
c/o Günter Erdmann, DL9BCP
Wecholder Str. 59
D-28277 Bremen

Juridical tips:

The information provided on these web pages is updated according to demand and complemented. No liability or guarantee can be still assumed for the actuality, correctness and completeness of the given data. This is in particular also valid for all connections (link) to which directly or indirectly is expelled. The author is for the contents of a side which is reached with such a link, not responsibly and does not stick for direct or indirect damages which originate on account of or in connection with information which is held ready on this web page. The information contained there stands in the sole area of responsibility of her manufacturer or user.

With judgment from the 12th of May, 1998 the district court of Hamburg has decided that one has to hold responsible for the information of a link for the contents of the linked side if necessary. This can be prevented by the fact that one expressly dissociates himself from these contents. The author offers links to other sides on the Internet on his website. Because no influence can be had on the creation and the contents of these sides, the author expressly dissociates himself from the contents of all linked sides incl. all undersides.


Layout and creation of these web pages all together as well as his single elements are protected by copyright. Same is valid for the editorial contributions in detail as well as her choice and arrangement. Wide use and duplication of information or data, in particular use of texts, text parts or picture need, untill differently notes, the previous approval of the author. Changes may not be carried out, the spring is to be marked.
